What is PIEMA – the Project?

The current phase (2017-2022) of the project is supported by Australia and New Zealand, with SPC bringing experience in emergency and disaster preparedness, to deliver a broad strategic direction and improve the sustainability of the investment. The project is implementing activities that support the intent of the Strategic Agenda 2020 by working with the key emergency management agencies to build better collaboration, strengthen communication and ultimately increase effectiveness when responding to disasters, under the lead of NDMOs.

While technology, infrastructure and equipment are important, the emphasis of the project is improving interactions between agencies and their people to influence change that builds TRUST, LEADERSHIP and TEAMWORK. Great value is placed on ‘what we do’ as emergency management professionals, however the focus of PIEMA is on ‘how we do it’. This includes the promotion of gender diversity and empowerment in the emergency management sector.


Enhanced sustainable development of Pacific Island Countries (PICs) through the implementation of measures to strengthen preparedness and response for, and recovery from, emergencies and disasters.

Long Term Goal

Pacific Island governments and communities are better prepared and able to respond to disasters and recover more quickly

Medium Term Goal

1. Strengthened national Disaster Risk Management (DRM) planning and implementation; and

2. Strengthened regional DRM coordination and collaboration.

Short Term Goal

1. Strengthened emergency preparedness and response coordination capacities of key national responders;

2. Strengthened all-ofgovernment DRM systems;

3 Strengthened national DRM governance and legislative frameworks; and

4. Increased stakeholder knowledge and awareness of DRM preparedness an

Key Result Areas of Strategic Agenda 2020

KRA 1: Common Doctrine

KRA 2: Relationships and Leadership

KRA 3: Advocacy and Profile

KRA 4: Professionalisation